Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Ella Watch

So Ive been talking to Ella like once every 2 weeks for the last month and a half and yes it does blow.

I was doing like stuff last night, im sure what because i dropped everything once she started saying things to me. Controllers went flying, things fell over, i just kind of stared at the screen.

This made me come to a conclusion that i told her " i think when you meet a person who makes you forget everything when there around thats just *smiles alot*"

This always happens. Its like omg someone just shot me, Ella shows up, then i forget about being shot completely.

So here is the part where she shows me pictures then i put them on my blog and talk about them and she finds out and gets mad at me. We get in small argument over the ordeal and i apologize for being stupid. In the end i just wanted to show people her because she is forever awesome no matter what.

Ok these pictures were taken by her cousins after her sister made her put on a "hot" tank top thing. Her sisters concepts of look are based off what guys like to stare at for many scientific reasons she doesn't know about because guys just stare.

Oh and the above picture it was right after they stole her glasses, apparently you can't wear glasses and look good which is bullshit. Glasses are cool. And looking like yourself is the most important thing.

Anyways she has a slight pleasant smile like the taking of glasses confused or amused her (ha that rhymed)

this is the after part of the before and after part. This is where i think they refused to give her glasses back and they told her about taking the typical girl picture where you include the chest with the face.

And on this note. You all know i use twitter and when i see a girl with a twitcon of her face and obvious showing of her chest it just irks me. Not enough self respect to think you can make it in the world on your brain alone? Not like any girl flaunts there chest as something pretty like her face and makeup or painted nails or hair. Chest just something men have an odd obsession over so you put it out there. Like honey to bees....

I don't like that picture that much because of why it was taken. No offense but it was simple minded thinking by her sister.

Sorry i ranted i just wanted to say the before and after was funny.

So after the 8 hours of me going "your beautiful" and her going "im not im not" which ended in a "agree that your beautiful or else!" and her going "fine! im beautiful! im beautiful!"

Then she went on forever about different family members, aunts and cousins and junk. Currently my family is going thru there annual family group depression madness so i don't like talking about families right now, she didn't get the memo.

Also i always feel awkward when she talks about her family. I always associate people with the problems they have, its a really bad habit of mine.

Then after it felt to awkward i started a bad subject change of "what don't you like about me?" apparently she doesn't like the one argument we had once and how i try to get her to get mad at me. In all honesty she doesn't get mad at people and thats not good at times. So i try to get her to start on me because ill never hold it against her.

So if your smart you know what happened next..... Ella:"what don't you like about me?"

It should be illegal for girls to ask questions like that. If i run for president that will be my platform i swear to god.

I was actually already trying to answer that before she asked to be fair to her >.> (dont't judge me) But i couldn't think of anything about her as in herself so i said i didn't like how we always talk late at night.

Makes me feel like a dirty secret and not in the good way.

Then i had a even worse subject change "what do you want out of the relationship" then i kind of laid down the age difference and mental set up between us.

(i have offered a million times over i swear to god to end this, she refuses. She won't do it. Its not that i don't love her enough to stay with her its just i want her to have a normal life)

So that was another awkward conversation. She actually didn't disagree with me. I guess i didn't give her enough credit for knowing how messed up i am. She knows me too well sometimes i think.

By the way that stems off the family life holiday depression issue. My family always has depression activated memories that i prefer to forget so then i get depressed too because of them.

They always around this time start saying things like "i wonder what dad would say about whats going on right now" which really pisses me off...

I came to terms with his death within a week of his death at the age of 13, they need to get the fuck over it already.

At this point i got really quiet and she was worried and asked me what i was doing, i told her i was staring at her picture in silence and she was like "oh... im just glad you aprove of me" then i was like *sigh* and told her about how much i love her and always have and how wonderful she was. I wish she was more confident in who she is.

If this somehow all fell apart the one thing i would want Ella to take from this is self respect for who she is. I would be happy if she left with that. I want her to be happy.

Oh and at one point she was like you have to see how tall i am... She wanted me to reserve my thoughts till then... This kind of made me mad, ive already come to terms with this girl being a foot taller then me, its cool. Im an average height dude of 5'10 its not like im short.

This is where i had another random subject change and started talking about creation of life and humans and the world. This isnt really weird, ive done this more then i can count around Ella. I just cant help but think alot when im around her.

(btw all these graphics were put there by her cousin and sister, they said it was like that because its how i saw Ella. This is really embarrassing because i didn't realize there were graphics there till she told me >////>)

At this time her cousin Nate came online, the one that works in japan, i interviewed his secretary randomly (An Interview with a Receptionist in Japan, post below this one) I told him about the interview and he did the boss flippy out thing i knew he would.

I studied business for like 3 years so i know the problems with an employee doing a interview. I knew this, so i showed him it, he was ok with it, liked it. At this point Ella gets all ants in her pants over it and starts asking for it alot. Right as im about to send her the link she hits the chat buzz button so i backspace that link..

Ella: Oh
Ella: Who did you interview though?
Ella: Justin?
Me: -.-
Me: *was about to put the link in*
Me: *just stares
Ella: I'm sorry
Ella: I was
Ella: You went silent
Ella: Over eager?
Me: i was getting it for you
Ella: Sorry...
Me: *just sits there waiting for no reason now*
Ella: I'm really sorry v,v
Me: *hums and taps foot to song*
Me: *notes this is all a horrible habit of his*
Ella: Looks around*
Ella: I didn't mean to be rude like that.....
Ella: Honestly
Me: *makes impatient people wait longer then they have too
Ella: Nods*

i know that all seemed rather rude of me but i do that to everyone who makes me hurry up right before im there. Like honking the horn for me right as i walk out the door.

At this point im talking to Nate about Ella and were acting like a bunch gossiping school girls and she getting rather upset over it and its just really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really ADORABLE.

(yes i typed all that out, no copy paste or whatever)

Basically i having guy talk with Nate who is a good friend of mine whenever we find the chance to talk since he lives in Japan and stuff. (he is originally from Rhode Island:The More You Know) He's a dude friend i trust so i talk about Ella to him which is weird sometimes since its his cousin lol. I laugh because he gets mad when it weirds him out.

at one point im like.

Me: i want to talk about your eyes
Me: but i dont think he gets that
Ella: my eyes?
Ella: there just dull
Me: ther bllluuuueeee
Ella: Well yes
Ella: But rather dull
Ella: like dark
Ella: Honestly
Me: bbbllllluuuueee
Ella: I don't think my eyes are pretty
Me: they are

And this is how guys start to talk when there are 2 or more of them together in one place lol.

After all this we talked really late till she fell asleep, so of course i put her to bed, made sure she was ok and then i crept out the window before the sun came up. For trouble resides with the daylight. (this is all figurative of course)

1 comment:

  1. I don't recall giving you permission to post my pictures Justin >.> But you are a very good writer.
